NokNok - Strategie creative

Luca Mancini

Luca Mancini divides his time between freelancing for multinationals, and teaching Computer Graphics at Milan’s Università Cattolica and the Centro Sperimentale Rai. In the late 90’s he became the artistic director at Sistema Marketing & Communications, where he was responsible for advertising and the introduction of information technology into the graphic production process. In 2001 he devised and produced one of the first livestreams on the web that lasted for 36 hours for a cabaret show. In 2005 he decided to open his own creative breeding ground: NokNok.

Leda Canfarelli

Having graduated in Foreign Languages at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1984; she furthered her studies in communication and took on roles in the hospitality sector. In 1985, she moved to Bergamo, and following a period working in accounting with Sistema Marketing & Communications, she entered the world of professional organisation, becoming responsible for communication and event management for the Ho.Re.Ca sector. In 2007 she became a partner of NokNok with the aim of implementing new services and taking care of customer management.


Luca Mancini
Leda Canfarelli