04 / 02 / 2013

Tag Packaging

03 / 20 / 2013

Tag Packaging

03 / 08 / 2013

Identity, evolution of architecture

Architecture can mould the future, the future choices, the gaze encountering an architectural reality always involves memory, architecture is memory, which excites us and prompts us to seek out and find these emotions in objects of memory.

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Tag Global design

03 / 07 / 2013

2013 - Wijnalmanak magazine: De Pro

Sara Mutti works for SGA design, an Italian design agency that specializes in wine branding. For thirty years, they have provided the image of well-known wineries: from wine names to logos and from bottles to websites. Italian wineries as Berlucchi, Gaja or Lageder are amont their clients, but also the American Kendall Jackson. For each client SGA develops a specific communication strategy.

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Tag Interview, Press

02 / 22 / 2013

When ideas meet and join together

Picture: an Enrico Bartolini creation

Viviana Varese, teetotaller, Enrico Bartolini, moderate drinker, Matteo Baronetto, pragmatic taster.
This was the combination that led my mind to skirt over some ideas that have little to do with cooking but a great deal to do with aesthetics.  Structural aesthetics, the aesthetics of a perfect game, a fantastic equilibrium, like snowflakes: not a single one is the same as another.

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Tag Interview

02 / 18 / 2013

The creation of value as the cornerstone of a company

Interview with Davide Gaeta, one of the most authoritative and qualified scholars in the sector and a renowned figure in the world of wine.  A lecturer at Verona University in the Economics of Wine Production, vinicultural policy, food and agricultural marketing and wine production, Professor Gaeta has always combined significant managerial experience and major institutional posts with his academic career.
He has, for some years, been the owner of the Eleva company in Sant’Ambrogio in Valpolicella, producer of Amarone, and a theorist of “critical consciousness”, that way of doing business based not only on rational choices but on the shared objectives, values and dreams of those concerned in various ways.
Continuous and evolving teamwork in building solid, lasting success that is not influenced by the “throw-away” clarion calls that are so often a feature of the market, even when it comes to advertising. Each with their own specific vocabulary, creating an interdisciplinary dialogue that unites theory with practice, intuition with experience…

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Tag Interview

01 / 10 / 2013

Markets are conversations

Cluetrain Manifesto 1999.
The great change now underway is in the way buying behaviour is more and more influenced by the logic of reputation among consumers and peer pressure.  Often companies remain outside these conversations. Even though they have the same means as the consumers, they don’t know how to use them, how to become part of the conversation.

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Tag Brand, Global design, Web site

12 / 17 / 2012

Beyond the company, the stand

Reaching out from the company, going beyond, is a must.
Taking brand value into a physical space, with a formal, comprehensible language, pursuing that long-awaited sense of surprise and involvement that typifies the visitors to a trade fair. 

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Tag Global design

12 / 12 / 2012

The Monsordo project on display at the Milan Triennale

The exhibition TDM5: Italian Graphic Arts is being staged at the Milan Triennale until February 24th, 2013.
The exhibition takes in more than a thousand graphic products collected by the three curators: Mario Piazza, Giorgio Camuffo and Carlo Vinti. In the packaging section, the Monsordo of Ceretto project is being displayed, curated by Giacomo Bersanetti and Italo Lupi.

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Tag Packaging