04 / 29 / 2014

Tag Global design, Packaging, Press

04 / 04 / 2014

Tag Interview

01 / 07 / 2014

2014 - Ottagono: to protect and display

lt is not enough to create and produce a product: it also needs to be contained, preserved, protected, transported, displayed ...and naturally communicated. Over the years the communication function of packaging has assumed an increasingly important role, to the extent that i t has become an inseparable complex of elements that dialogue together and with the consumer.

Interview with Giacomo Bersanetti and Angelo Gaja by Erica Marson.

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Tag Interview, Packaging, Press

12 / 23 / 2013

2013 - Artlab: Labels and colour

Wine producers too, have begun using colour to increase the recognisability of the brand.
Sonia Pedrazzini, designer and journalist with Artlab, met with SGA to discuss this theme.

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Tag Packaging, Press

12 / 10 / 2013

The future of communication in the world of wine production

An interview with Paolo Panerai, a name that is synonymous with enormous success in various sectors of media, and also fields of excellence such as wine production.

He is the owner of several prestigious Italian companies, including Castellare di Castellina in Chianti, Rocca di Frassinello in Maremma and Feudi del Pisciotto in Sicily.

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Tag Interview, Packaging, Video

10 / 23 / 2013

09 / 06 / 2013

Future scenarios for wine

Interview with Marilena Colussi, director of sociological and marketing research, an expert in the food & drink sector and business consultant. A contributor to the Business Media title of the 24 Ore Group, she is a lecturer and member of the Management of Food & Beverage Masters faculty of the SDA Bocconi University. Once again this year, she conducted in-depth research on wine consumption and trends for the 2nd Report on the supply chain, ‘Vino Futuri Possibili’ (Possible Futures for Wine), published by the media business titles of the 24 Ore Group.

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Tag Interview, Packaging, Video

07 / 17 / 2013

Bottle caps: historical fragments, modern icons

True connoisseurs do not drink wine: they taste secrets. (Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989)

Don’t even think of throwing them away. They could be worth a fortune. The caps of sparkling wine corks are little gems of technique and design, sought after by hundreds of thousands of collectors in every corner of the world. Should one of the five Pol Roger 1923 caps still in existence fall into your hands, you could sell it for 15,000 euros.

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Tag Global design, Packaging

06 / 07 / 2013

Secondary by name but not by nature

Though they seem to be things of secondary importance, the mission of clothes is not only to keep us warm. They change the appearance of the world in our eyes and change us in the eyes of the world. (Virginia Woolf, Orlando, 1928)

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Tag Global design, Packaging

04 / 15 / 2013

Rosé & Rosato: not just a wine but a way of life

“Apart from people, only wines can really tell us their stories by making great statements that echo down the centuries, so that they come before us today with their identity documents intact”. So says Veronelli (source:  “Luigi Veronelli. Life is too short to drink bad wines” by Nichi Stefi and Arturo Rota, p.300).
In this complex identity, the colour of the wine is the visual lure that fascinates and stimulates, attracts and intrigues.
Pink, in its infinite varieties ranging from warm coral to golden, is not the colour of a single wine but of two enchanting universes: Rosé and Rosato.

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Tag Packaging